Test Environment (Sandbox)

An overview of our test environment, where you can make requests on documents without legal validity and without charge

Welcome to the ZapSign API!

To start using our API, it's very fast:

1. Sign up

Create an account at ZapSign at https://sandbox.app.zapsign.com.br/acesso/criar-conta?lang=en

Or log into your account at https://sandbox.app.zapsign.com.br/acesso/entrar?lang=en

2. Click "Enable API"

Once inside your account, click on Settings in the sidebar.

Inside, click on "Enable API", as indicated below.

3. Ready to get started!

Ready! Now you should have received your Access Token on your screen

With your Access Token, you will be able to authenticate to our API endpoints. That way we'll know that you're the one making a request to us.

To use the Sandbox environment, the URL is: https://sandbox.api.zapsign.com.br/

Last updated