How to start

Activate your ZapSign API in 1 minute.

Welcome to the ZapSign API!

To start using our API, it's very fast:

1. Sign up

Create an account at ZapSign at

Or log into your account at

2. Click "Enable API"

Once inside your account, click on Settings in the sidebar.

Inside, click on "Enable API", as indicated below.

3. Ready to get started!

Ready! Now you should have received your Access Token on your screen

With your Access Token, you will be able to authenticate to our API endpoints. That way we'll know that you're the one making a request to us.

4. Tip: Ready to use Insomnia collection


We have prepared for you a Postman Workspace with all endpoints already configured. It can greatly speed up your integration, if you are interested. Just click here:

Link for postman`s workspace

After opening the link above you just have to select your environment, available on the right top corner:

After selecting your environment, you just have to configure your environment variables clicking on the "Environments" item on the left menu:

The only required variable is the api_token got on the previous step, all the others can be filled when you need them.

Tip: on the right menu, there is a code icon that exports all the requests on your code language.


We also made an Insomnia file with all endpoints already configured. Download it here:

Tip: within Insomnia, press Shift+Ctrl+G when viewing a request and the code will automatically be generated in any programming language you want.

Last updated