How webhooks works

Set up your webhooks in less than 1 minute.


The webhook is the simplest and most efficient way for your system to know when an event occurs at ZapSign (ie. a document has been signed). This is because by registering a webhook, your system will be proactively warned by ZapSign as soon as an event occurs (in practice, ZapSign sends a POST request to your server).

Thus, the great advantage of the webhook is that instead of your system making several requests per day, hour and minute to ZapSign (a practice known as polling), checking if there was any update in the documents, ZapSign takes care of this work and notifies you, saving resources on both sides.

Your application must return status 200 when receiving a webhook, otherwise ZapSign will retry the POST, generating duplicates and/or unnecessary requests.

Do I need to have an API Plan to use webhooks? No, webhooks are freely available to all users. But API users are strongly recommended to use webhooks instead of polling.

Setting up a webhook

Once inside your account, click on Settings > Integrations in the sidebar.

Inside, click on toggle, in webhook section, as indicated below.

Click on Settings > Integration > Enable Webhooks

Now, with the Webhooks enabled, just enter the URL of the endpoints where you want to receive the webhooks.

Tip: for testing, you can start by registering a webhook from to understand how the requests that will arrive in your application work.

Below, I registered, for example, one webhook for testing (from

You can register as many webhooks as you like.

Everything going well, you will start receiving webhooks on all registered endpoints!

See how you would receive webhooks on for example:

Last updated