Class to create documents
name | type | description |
sandbox | boolean | If true, the document will be a test and will not have legal validity. |
name | String | document name |
lang | String | document language. Possible values: "pt-br" (Portuguese), "es" (Spanish), "en" (English). Default: "pt-br" |
disable_signer_emails | boolean | To disable emails sent to signers, send this parameter to true. Default: false |
signed_file_only_finished | boolean | To disable the "Download Original" and "Download Signed" buttons from the signer experience, enable this flag. Thus, you are the one who will be in charge of delivering the signed_file to the signer. Default: false |
brand_logo | String | If you want to customize the logo of the signing experience for this specific document, submit the image URL (must be a publicly accessible link). Default: "" |
brand_primary_color | String | If you want to customize the primary (button) color of the signing experience for this specific document, send it in rgb or hexadecimal. Ex: "#0011ee". Default: "" |
brand_name | String | if you want to customize the sender name of emails sent to the signer, enter the brand name here. For example, if you entered "XPTO Advogados", the sender of the email will be "XPTO Advogados via ZapSign". Max-length: 100 characters. Default: "" |
external_id | String | ID of the document in your application. Default: "" |
folder_path | String | path of the folder inside ZapSign where the document will be placed. If the folders do not exist, they will be created automatically. Requirements: (1) folder_path can be up to 255 characters long, (2) each folder can be up to 50 characters long, (3) there is a limit of 5 folder levels. Ex.: "/api/" or "/folder1/folder2/folder3/". Default: "/" (no folder). |
date_limit_to_sign | Date | Deadline for signing the document. (Accepted formats: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DDTH:m:s.ssssssZ) |
signature_order_active | boolean | If true, the signer's signatures will be ordered sequentially. Default: false |
observers | ArrayList<String> | Represents document observers (limit 20), i.e. email addresses that will be notified upon completion of the signature flow. It's an array of strings. |
signers | List<Signer> | Represents the document signers |
reminder_every_n_days | int | Represents the interval of days between reminders that will be sent to signers, as long as they don`t sign. There will be 3 tries at most. Observation: this field must only be filled if send_automatic_whatsapp or send_automatic_email are true. Example: if setted to 8 it will be sent one email every 7 days, until it's signed, for at most 21 days. |
created_by | email of the user who will be defined as creator of the document, for internal organization purposes. If the email does not exist or is not your account user, this parameter will be ignored. Default: "" (document will have account owner as creator) |