Create document via Upload

Create document via Upload


This endpoint allows you to create a document for signature from a PDF. You must send the data in JSON, as well as receive it in the same format.


Request Body

    "open_id": 5,
    "token": "eb9c367a-e62f-4992-8360-b0219deaeecc",
    "status": "pending",
    "name": "Jhon Doe Documents",
    "original_file": "",
    "signed_file": null,
    "created_at": "2020-04-16T03:33:46.241747Z",
    "last_update_at": "2020-04-16T03:33:46.241775Z",
    "signers": [
            "token": "921c115d-4a6e-445d-bdca-03fadedbbc0b",
            "status": "new",
            "name": "João da Silva",
            "email": "",
            "phone_country": "",
            "phone_number": "",
            "times_viewed": 0,
            "last_view_at": null,
            "signed_at": null
            "token": "07fb0a0a-4b7d-49a5-bd7b-4958265c4e46",
            "status": "new",
            "name": "Fulano Siclano",
            "email": "",
            "phone_country": "",
            "phone_number": "",
            "times_viewed": 0,
            "last_view_at": null,
            "signed_at": null

Signers configuration

Document - JSON root:

  • Signers - for each signer:

    • auth_mode (string): You can choose the signer's authentication method. Possible values are: "assinaturaTela" (default) (signature on screen), "tokenEmail", "assinaturaTela-tokenEmail", "tokenSms", "assinaturaTela-tokenSms", "tokenWhatsapp" and "assinaturaTela-tokenWhatsapp". They correspond to the same methods available in the web interface. Note: each automatic sending via WhatsApp (tokenWhatsapp) costs 0,1 USD and each token sending via SMS (tokenSms) costs 1 credit. Buy credits in Configuration > Plan.

    • email (string): You can set the signer's email.

    • send_automatic_email (boolean): If true, ZapSign will send an email to the signer with the link to sign the document. If false (default), you will be responsible for sharing the subscription link with the signatory, whether through your website, widget, WhatsApp, SMS, email, chat etc. Note: For this to work, it is mandatory that the signer's email address is defined.

    • send_automatic_whatsapp (boolean): If true, ZapSign will send a whatsapp message to the signer with the link to sign the document. Note: For this to work, it is mandatory that the signer's phone number is defined. each automatic sending via WhatsApp (tokenWhatsapp) costs 0,1 USD. Buy credits in Configuration > Plan.

    • send_automatic_whatsapp_signed_file (boolean): If true, ZapSign will send a whatsapp message to the signer with the link to the signed document. Note: For this to work, it is mandatory that the signer's phone number is defined. each automatic sending via WhatsApp (tokenWhatsapp) costs 0,1 USD. Buy credits in Configuration > Plan.

    • order_group (integer): In case "signature_order_active" is active in the document, this field controls the signing order. Example: If the field is set to 1, then this signer will be the first to sign. If the field is set to 2, then this signer will be the second to sign and so on.

    • custom_message (string): (only relevant if send_automatic_email: true). The custom_message is the personalized message that you can insert in the email sent by ZapSign to the signer. Example: "Hello So-and-so, \n This is your employment contract. \n Hugs, Team XPTO". The \n symbol serves to "skip a line" in the email text. Default: ""

    • phone_country (string): You can set the phone (country code) of the signer. Default: "" (ie. US is "1")

    • phone_number (string): You can set the phone number of the signer. Example: "11998989222". Default: ""

    • lock_email (boolean): You can lock changes to the signer's email. Default: false

    • blank_email (boolean): You may not request the signer's email. Default: false

    • hide_email (boolean): You can hide signer email in signatures report. Default: false

    • lock_phone (boolean): You can lock changes to the signer's phone. Default: false

    • blank_phone (boolean): You may not request the signer's phone number. Default: false

    • hide_phone (boolean): You can hide the signer's phone in the signatures report. Default: false

    • lock_name (boolean): You can lock changes to the signer's name. Default: false

    • require_selfie_photo (boolean): You can ask the signer to take a selfie while signing. Default: false.

    • require_document_photo (boolean): You can ask the signer to take a photo of your personal document while signing. Default: false

    • selfie_validation_type (string): If you want to use facial recognition (liveness+document match validation) provided by Truora, please also define this field as "liveness-document-match". If you want to use Liveness provided by NXCD, define this field as "liveness-NXCD". Default: "none". Note that this feature has an extra cost, please contact sales.

    • qualification (string): Qualification to appear in the signatures report. Ex: "Witness" value will result in "Signed as a witness". Default: ""

    • external_id (string): ID of the signer in your application. Default: ""

    • redirect_link (string): link to redirect after signer signs. For example: "". It will appear as a "CONTINUE" button below the "Download Original" and "Download Signed" buttons. Remember to insert http:// or https:// at the beginning of the link. Default: ""


Create document via PDF

Create document via DOCX

Delphi request example
  json : string;
  ArraySigner : TJSONArray;
  ObjDoc, ObjSigner : TJSONObject;
   ObjDoc := TJSONObject.Create;
   ObjDoc.AddPair('name', 'Contrato de Locação');
   ObjDoc.AddPair('base64_pdf', 'ASFASDFKÇLKÇGÇO#OP%$%#WERP#@&*OSADFJF...');  // Arquivo base64

   ArraySigner := TJSONArray.Create;

   ObjSigner := TJSONObject.Create;
   ObjSigner.AddPair('name', 'João da Silva');
   ObjSigner.AddPair('email', '');
   ObjSigner.AddPair('phone_country', '55');
   ObjSigner.AddPair('phone_number', '11888121111');
   // Opcional caso queira impedir alteração 
   ObjSigner.AddPair('lock_name', TJSONTrue.Create);
   ObjSigner.AddPair('lock_email', TJSONTrue.Create);
   ObjSigner.AddPair('lock_phone', TJSONTrue.Create);


   ObjDoc.AddPair('signers', ArraySigner);
   json := ObjDoc.ToString;


   RESTClient.BaseURL := ' token..';


After a successful request, you should receive a response like this:

Caution: the original_file and signed_file links are temporary and expires in 60 minutes. In case your system needs to save those links it is recommended that you save them in your own CDN or that you call the Detail document endpoint every time your user needs a valid URL that will expires in more 60 minutes.

    "open_id": 5,
    "token": "eb9c367a-e62f-4992-8360-b0219deaeecc",
    "status": "pending",
    "name": "John's contract",
    "original_file": "",
    "signed_file": null,
    "created_at": "2020-04-16T03:33:46.241747Z",
    "last_update_at": "2020-04-16T03:33:46.241775Z",
    "signers": [
            "token": "921c115d-4a6e-445d-bdca-03fadedbbc0b",
            "sign_url": "",
            "status": "new",
            "name": "John Doe",
            "email": "",
            "phone_country": "",
            "phone_number": "",
            "times_viewed": 0,
            "last_view_at": null,
            "signed_at": null,
            "resend_attempts": null
            "token": "07fb0a0a-4b7d-49a5-bd7b-4958265c4e46",
            "sign_url": "",
            "status": "new",
            "name": "Grumpy Jones",
            "email": "",
            "phone_country": "",
            "phone_number": "",
            "times_viewed": 0,
            "last_view_at": null,
            "signed_at": null,
            "resend_attempts": null

What you should do with this response is send the signature link to the signers through your application.

The signature link consists of the route:{{signer_token}}

Thus, in the example above, where we have two signers, you must send two signature links, each signer with their respective token:

- John Doe:

- Grumpy Jones:

And now just wait for the signers to sign!

About the base64

Base64 its a simply way to convert files to text. You can check a more detailed definition here Therefore, convert a file to base64 and send it as a text on the request`s body is easier then dealing with the multipart/form-data, for example.

To test the API you can manually convert your PDF into a base64 through a lot of websites, such as this one:

When the API is alredy integrated to your system, look for the correspondent function in your software language to convert files to base64.

Watch out: you must send the base64_pdf parameter only with the base64 file conversion. Dont send the data:application/pdf;base64, on your parameter.

Dont want to work with base64? Upload your PDF in a public URL and use the url_pdf parameter.

Last updated